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Anna and Laura's visit
November 2023: Trustees Anna and Laura spent a week in India visiting the projects. Anna and Laura, together with Laura's daughter Ellie...
Nov 15, 2023

Seb's Celebrates Landmark Achievement
School education in India is free and compulsory. However the cost of higher education is expensive, and educating a school child is...
Nov 18, 2018

Seb's students pass entrance exam for Eklavya government model school
11 Seb's School students have qualified in the entrance exam for the Eklavya model school in Jammunamarthur of Thiruvanamallai district...
May 22, 2018

Seb's in the Press: Excited faces and sportsmanship fill the air
The Hindu published fantastic coverage of our the first-ever sports day celebrations at a school for the tribal children of Alleri.
Mar 21, 2018

Change Agent - Saraswathi
Saraswathi is our Balwadi teacher at Periya-panapari. She was a quiet, shy, soft spoken girl when she joined SEBS. Through these years...
Aug 29, 2017

Partnership with Shishukunj - Education and Health in the Jawadi Hills
The partnership with the Shishukunj has facilitated access to education and health care for tribal communities in the Jawadhi Hills. It...
Aug 29, 2017

Education Update
Teacher training, sports tournaments and new classrooms! Sebs school for the academic year 2016-17 started in the month of June. Six...
Feb 6, 2017

New Tribal School at Palamarathukollai
We're happy to announce a brand new Seb School at Palamarathukollai village in the Jawadi Hills. After meeting the Seb's team and...
Oct 12, 2016

Laxmi and Bhavani
We are so moved and thrilled for this extraordinary girl, Bhavani (pictured left), who has managed to secure a coveted Diploma in Nursing...
Oct 12, 2016

A Bright Mind: Thavaseelan
We are overjoyed for our dear Thavaseelan, a young man from Senji mottur, whose entire college and post-graduate education (Bachelor’s...
Oct 12, 2016

New Balwadi Centres in the Javadi Hills
We have identified the immediate need for balwadis in the villages of Periyapannaparai and Palamarthukollai and we hope to have these two...
Oct 12, 2016

New Seb’s Projects Staff
Lenin Mark has joined The Sebastian Hunter Memorial Trust staff in Vellore, Tamil Nadu as Programme Officer. Lenin has a BA in Tamil and...
Oct 11, 2016

Sebastian Hunter High School: Teacher’s salary
For the past two years, The Sebastian Hunter Memorial Trust has funded the salaries for two full time teachers at the Sebastian Hunter...
Oct 11, 2016

Three new additions to the MBKG Pannai Orphanage
Kamala is 68, and is a widow with two daughters, who are both married and unwilling to care for her. Monica is three years old. She lost...
Oct 11, 2016

MBKG Pannai Orphanage and Kings School
Six of the children who grew up at MBKG Pannai Six of the children who grew up at MBKG Pannai orphanage have recently completed their...
Oct 11, 2016

The Hindu, Sunday 17th February 2013
We are delighted to read about the wonderful work being carried out by our tribal teachers, enabling children who previously had no...
Oct 3, 2016

UPDATE: King’s School & MBKG Orphanage
Emma Koshi and the DREAM project have started computer skill classes for 4th and 10th grade children as well as adolescent Education and...
Sep 8, 2016

UPDATE: Seb’s School, Senji Mottur
The DREAM program is now at Seb’s School, Senji Mottur, teaching English to 1st-5th standard. The program at Seb’s School also teaches...
Sep 8, 2016
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