Raise money whilst you shop!
Art Workshops at Seb's Project India
Fun with the Humanitarian Clowns!
Fun and Fundraising at the Charity Art Sale
New Tribal School at Palamarathukollai
Charity Art Sale - Belgravia Gallery
Sweets for Sebs
Belgravia Gallery Director, Anna Hunter, visits India for The Sebastian Hunter Memorial Trust
Ambassador of the Month: Belgravia Gallery Director, Laura Walford
North Bridge House Schools & Chiswick and Bedford Park Preparatory School
Indian Summer Party
Anna and Laura off to Tamil Nadu!
Sebastian Hunter High School: Teacher’s salary
Leonardo Da Vinci: Painter in the Court of Milan, an illustrated talk by Lydia Bauman (MA Courtauld)
New Toilets for Shanthigramam
Hello! Magazine covers SebHunterTrust Fundraiser at Bunga Bunga
Humanitarian Clowns Abroad
Build a school with 108 Sun Salutations
PETER ELLIS: His legacy