Tribal communities in India often fall into the gap between conservation and development, and so don't have access to healthcare infrastructure at all. We're working to provide clean water, nutritious food and healthcare to communities across the Jawadi Hills.
HEAL - Health, Education & Nutrition
Where there are no roads, there are no teachers or doctors. Tribal communities in India often fall into the gap between conservation and development, therefore do not have access to healthcare infrastructure at all.
Through the HEAL ( Health, Education and Learning) program, Seb's runs nutrition centres (Balwadis) in remote villages, where we monitor pregnant and nursing mothers, infants and primary children, providing nutrition supplements and ensuring that all children are vaccinated and supported through these important years.
We also work to provide a referral service in our target villages, linking tribal patients to healthcare and providing support wherever it's needed.

It is a dream come true to have safe and clean drinking water within our village. It has made a huge difference to us women who otherwise had to walk long distance to fetch water for our homes and we were often not sure of the quality of the water.
Periyapanaparai villager
Karigiri Leprosy Hospital

The Sebastian Hunter Memorial Trust has worked closely with Karigiri hospital to ensure that those affected leprosy continue to receive the support they need, and that tne wonderful research into leprosy by this hospital continues to. carry out
Though leprosy continues to affect people in India today, there is very little funding for Leprosy research because it is believed by many western countries that the disease has been eradicated. This is untrue, and though leprosy is now curable, many affected by the disease do not reach help in time, become socially isolated as a result of the disease, and need intensive rehabilitation after developing symptoms. Much of the research focuses on finding the most effective methods for controlling the disease, its management and rehabilitation in affected patients.
Because those affected by leprosy often lose feeling in their extremities, it is essential that special, rubberised protective shoes are provided so that their feet do not bcome damaged. Each shoe, orthotic or prosthetic has to be made according to the patient's disability. SHMT has teamed up with the Maria Marina Foundation, wh have donated 1,000 pairs of shoes for people afflicted with leprosy.
Humanitarian Clowns
The Sebastian Hunter Memorial Trust works in partnership with Australian NGO Humanitarian Clowns Abroad to create groups of Humanitarian Clowns reaching out to those affected by illness, depression and disability in over 45 organisations in South India. Every year 15-20 international clowns travel across to India to spread joy and laughter amongst those who are struggling, and training local Indian volunteers to continue spreading joy.
Humanitarian clowning has been successfully used in over 50 countries around the world, and is a popular technique used in hospitals, homes for the disabled and rehabilitation centres to improve healing amongst patients and wellbeing amongst staff! In India clown doctors operate in some of the major cities, but in the many towns and rural areas hospitals and homes struggle even for basic resources and to cope with the huge numbers of people affected by illness and disability. It is in these under-resourced areas that our Humanitarian Clowns reach out.